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SENSE Community

The SENSE community consists of over 150 people, including academics across at least 20 different academic institutes and industry professionals at over 15 different industries or organisations. These are staff who supervise SENSE students, provide teaching on SENSE courses and sit on SENSE’s recruitment or steering committee.

It is a requirement for every SENSE PhD project that the supervisory team must have members from at least two of the SENSE organisations (University of Edinburgh, University of Leeds, British Antarctic Survey and National Oceanography Centre), and so through SENSE many new collaborations have been formed between these organisations.

Other Academic Institutions

University of Birmingham
Dr Sebastian Watt 

Aarhus University
Dr Jeffrey Kerby

University of Cambridge
Dr Frazer Christie

Dr. Carlos Olavarría

UC San Diego
Professor Helen Fricker

Dansk Meteorologisk Institut
Dr Ruth Mottram

Durham University
Dr Grace Nield
Dr Pippa Whitehouse

Kiel University
Professor Jörg Ebbing

University of Lancaster
Professor Mal McMillan

Massey University – New Zealand
Professor Karen Stockin

Dr Rachel Tilling

University of Oxford
Ioana Colfescu

Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Professor Helen Fricker

University of Sheffield
Dr Andrew Sole

University of Southampton
Professor Alberto Naveira Garabato

Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Dr Francesca Pellicciotti

Dr Michel Tsamados