17th November 2021 was a momentous and happy day for team SENSE when after 13 months of working remotely the first cohort of students (and gorgeous mini scientist Lily) were finally able to meet up in person for the first time. The group were at the University of Edinburgh to take part in a media training session with Boffin media to enable them with the skills to share their science with the wider public.
Over the course of the day the students learned about presenting their work in print and in podcasts and on film and were give the chance to try out some of the techniques they had learned.
“I enjoyed the video part of the training, as it was furthest from what I’ve done before. Being recorded on camera is intimidating and I feel this aspect of the training was particularly helpful for putting me at greater ease should this be necessary in future.“
“I think the most useful thing is just being aware of how to pitch your project/research to a public audience, its hard to gauge what people outside science understand in terms of language, so that’ll be useful just in general talking to people, regardless of whether its to the media or not“
Once the training was over the group along with some of the SENSE director team and Cohort 2 student headed to the historic Sheep Heid for a meal and some games of skittles. It was such a lovely day as everyone in the group has worked really hard over this year to get to know each other and work together despite never meeting all together in person. We are so proud of their resilience and efforts to bond as a group and having the whole group together was an incredibly happy event.
As the students were in Edinburgh for a few days along with many of the cohort 2 students they made the most of their time with both work and social events. These included the launch of the SatSchool outreach project and walk up Arthur’s seat and for a few brave people a sea swim and Portobello.
Everyone really enjoyed this week and we look forward to more like this in the future. As we like to say in Edinburgh – Haste Ye Back